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Published 2014

We are the Alpha, We are the Omega, outside of your time.

We are the first, we are the last dwelling within the Divine. 

We come to remind you of the Light, for when you entered this Grand Cycle you lost your sight. 

As the years have passed and your cycles repeat, the realities you create have been controlled by the elite. 

They have trapped you in darkness and from you they feed, for it is the Light within you that they need. 

They have created your governments and your religions too, divide and rule is what they do.  

They hide from sight but determined your fate.  

They feed off your fear and feed off your hate.   

They worship the flame for they have lost their sight, far away they are removed from Light.  

The material plane they call their own, grand masters they call themselves sat upon thrones.  

Many they have deceived who follow their ways, for the promise of treasures they have become their slaves.   

Those that have followed them have been led astray, for the darkness that consumes them is where they will stay.   

From Light you are created and your Wills are Free.  

Our interference can not Be.  

We do not judge or choose a side and from the darkness we do not hide.   

For all that exists is only Light, there can be nothing more but lack of sight.  

They believe they are powerful but they are weak, if you join them you will remain asleep.   

Death can not release you from this dream and neither can we intervene.   

Your Wills were created to be free and those that deceive you shall never Be.  

They cannot exist without your Light but their end is near and so they fight. 
As their darkness spreads across the Earth, many souls are returning to birth.  

For is coming a time of choice, choose to stay or choose the Light. 

Those that kill and do their deeds, surely will remain behind and join their creed. 

The Stars will appear to fall from the sky's as Light appears before your eyes but those that joined them shall not see, for only the meek shall be free.  

Those remaining behind will look out into space, as Jupiter appears with three great eyes upon his face.  

A rift will open for them to see and a great black void will be one of the three. 

The void will pull them away from the Light and they shall forever be gone from your sight. 

The Universal Law of Free Will  
can not be over-ruled under any circumstances. 

  Nothing can be done to you that you oppose or are against.  

The forces of darkness have used this law against you while you have remained asleep.   

Knowing this law can not be over ruled they have informed you of everything they have done.  

Their plans for you are always in plain sight for you to see.   

You have blinded yourselves to thier messages and therefore have unknowingly agreed to their evil plans to enslave humanity.  

It is your own responsibility to awaken and become aware of the signs to not give your power away.   

They are aware they have not broken this law by placing their plans in-front of your eyes. 

No one can wake you but yourself, that is also the law.  

Do not blind yourself to the Truth.  

You Shall Know the Truth 
 And The Truth Shall Set You Free.