Some advice for those awakening to Truth and for those assisting friends or relatives awakening. 

These truths have you have just discovered may have come has a great shock!! 

Even now I expect that you still don’t believe what you are hearing, this is totally normal.   The shock can still make you doubt what you are hearing.  This process has been operating in the back ground for quite some time now and along the way information has been available for you to access in order to slowly awaken you to what has been taking place.  

Unfortunately many people refused to look due to the fact that the mainstream media has been diverting your attention away from the truth, this has been done deliberate and has been a propaganda device to mislead. Propaganda- (information especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political view.)

Once again I am assuming that most of this has been explained to some degree or you may have slowly awoken. 

Although a gradual process of informing you of these truths was introduced, unfortunately the media and other sources of information that had become just a normal part of everyday life had been controlled and influenced by those that have tried in vein to conceal these drips of information from reaching you. 

 They have also done a very good job of ridiculing and silencing any source that would try to gradually inform you, so has not to shock and panic you and also leaving you to process all this information in one large drop. 

Therefore I will not be adding to that information at this stage as I could be doing more harm than good and trust that the information you have been provided with is sufficient for now. 

However for those that are struggling I have added below a process that you can expect upon this information breaking.  

Please remember that however shocking the information is that you are trying to process that there is nothing to fear and that once you have allowed yourself the opportunity to process this and move through the stages, you will come to realise that you have been released from a prison that your mind has been trapped in for many years.  

So be gentle not only with yourself but also those around you. 

You are going to feel very uncomfortable, paranoid and confused but once you exit the process you will not believe the greatness the lays ahead of you. 

There is a process that you are most likely to follow and this process is perfectly normal, it is the same process for example that we may have experienced upon the experience of a relationship breakup, or death or any loss that held a great deal of meaning to us. 



In order to avoid feeling the shock and pain denial is a very normal process, in fact if you feel overwhelmed then it would be the best approach.  Turn off from what you have heard and try to distract yourself allowing your mind to rest, you have most probably just took in a great deal of uncomfortable information.  Remember, you are not alone a majority of people are feeling exactly the same as you right now.  (EXACTLY THE SAME) so if you can not be strong for yourself then be strong for those you love.  This stage shouldn’t last to long although it’s probably one of the most uncomfortable stages.  But trust me you’ll be ok!

(VERY IMPORTANT) - During this stage be very sensitive to those around you, respect where they are and if you yourself do not want to talk about it then state clearly to friends and family that you are not ready to discuss this.  Also be aware of others who make clear to you that they are not ready and yourself or others space.  

In order to deal with this process also do things that are familiar to you and that have always helped you to relax or unwind.  Switch off the news etc... but if need be watch a film or comedy that to escape, anything that you have always enjoyed doing when you have felt stress in your life. It doesn’t matter how long you take. A day, a week, a month whatever it takes.  There are no rules!  We are all different in this respect.  You have just taken a lot on and that is enough for now.  Don’t push yourself or others. 




If you have only just read stage 1, I would suggest switching off now and relaxing.  Stage 2 will involve anger!  Again, perfectly natural.  Why wouldn’t you be angry?  You have just discovered you have been lied to by those you trusted.  In fact you are probably furious!  Express your anger but in such a way as to not direct it at those around you.  Remember they have also been lied to, they feel the same way you do and if they don’t they will.  They are probably still processing and in stage   1.

Your going to want to lash out, blame and judge, again understandable.  Remember though that even some of those that have misled you in the media and government have most probably been used also and are in much shock themselves.  Although they have pushed an agenda they may not of understood the full extent of the truth either and now are filled with guilt and shame.  Understand that they were most probably closed to the truth as much has you were.  Also understand that those that have knowingly and deliberately misled you will be bought to justice, records and information only those involved has been gathered for a very long time and those that require justice to be served will get it.  It is not up to you to become the law.  

Yes even law makers and enforcers have been corrupted in the past but they have been monitored and those that will now replace the corrupt will be good justice seeking people.  The calmer you can remain during this stage the more you will be in assistance to those that will and have bought these injustices to light.

Also remember that many people that have worked hard to expose the truths you have now discovered have risked their live for this while you where totally unaware and living your life.  They have made great sacrifices for everybody.  Have some respect for them by remaining calm and centred.  By all means verbally express your anger but do not direct it at others.  We are all in this together and once justice has been served we all never again treat each other with cruelty.  We will all work together as one great whole, the injustice and corruption we have seen and experienced our whole lives will never be allowed to happen again.  All will be rewarded for the injustice we have suffered. 



After the anger which is an outward focused emotion, depression can follow.  A deflated sense of hopelessness, what’s the point in anything.  Life isn’t worth living, disbelief and sadness.  Again, perfectly normal.  In fact you would be crazy not to go through this.  What a horrendous and horrible realisation to come to, you may feel stupid, weak even worthless for the way you have been treated.  

Again, who the hell wouldn’t.  You may have struggled all your life to get somewhere or find happiness to now discover what has it all been for.  A dark cloud may come upon you. Again, perfectly understandable.  Who wouldn’t feel all these things.  You have not been stupid you where born into a world of lies and deceit yes but do you know why?  Because before you came into this world you made a deal to enter a very dark place I order to spread your light into that darkness and bring those to justice. 

  You did this for love and truth and that is truly who you are, even though right now you may not see this.  You have played your part in this wether you are aware or not, and when you entered this world got lost in the darkness.  

It is said that this world is a world where angels fear to tread.  Many, many, many of us get lost.  Those that have deceived us have passed knowledge down from generation to generation and have become masters at deception.  When we entered the world we had no access to this knowledge and therefore became lost.  

But be assured just by being in the world no matter how lost or unaware you were, you have helped humanity break free.  You have served your purpose and are about to reap the rewards for your sacrifice. 

Yes how ever lost you became and how little you may of been aware of, just remember it was the light within you that rid the world of this darkness. That light is going to grow stronger and stronger now. 



At this stage of the process we have almost reached acceptance but need to seek out people that are at a similar level, we are willing to discuss how we feel with the confines of our comfort zones, we are will to accept parts of the truth but not yet quiet ready to accept fully.  

This is when we really need to discuss with things and seek out someone who has accepted and knows the truth and that will feed us more information but only to the degree we are willing to accept.  We also need an open ear to discuss how we feel up to this point.  

We are willing to listen to those we previously shut out through fear, denial, anger and depression.  We need to know why?  Why would we be treated like this etc?  We are now prepared to start putting the pieces together and not only see but understand the truth.  Yet still a little one sided this is the stage that contains a mix of stages 1-3 but also almost but not quiet stage 4. 

We have come a long way and the journey has been hard but we are beginning to feel lighter.  Edging back and forth, this is a stage that we need to be more conscious of allowing ourselves the freedom to choose where we want to sit with the whole situation.  

It doesn’t matter if we want to go back to any stage right now to give our minds a rest, what is important is that we don’t push it to hard.  One day we may feel good and the next down.  

Appearing emotional and then emotionless, adding to our already stress state we then worry what others must think of us for being a bit all over the place.   Again, it’s ok.  

Remember we are all in in this together, no mater where along the way we are, we are all one!  We have believed for what seems like forever that we are alone but we are not. 

 (Final Stage)


Finally, acceptance!  Waking up one morning feeling anew!  A weight is lifted and the sun is shining!  That dark cloud has lifted and we are ready and excited to move on.  We’ve all been there before, after a long process of a broken relationship or the loss of a loved one.  The acceptance, no more denial.  We feel new, reinvented, optimistic and lifted. 

This is the awakened stage, the growth stage and it feels amazing!  There’s a brightness to all we look upon and a new sense of adventure engulfs our whole beings.  Yes, we are ready to fly!  We now look back at the heart ache and confusion realising it was a gift, we have grown and it was the pain that we suffered that was a blessing in disguise.  We can forgive and sore to new heights, higher than we previously was before the pain.  

Good morning - you are awake!