All of the written content of this website came to me over a period of approximately the past 20 years starting at the
age of 28-29 when my Spiritual Awakening first occurred.
The writings came to me from an inner voice that spoke to me including visions which I can only attribute to an energy I call
The reason I call this energy 1111 is because over the 20 year period of these writings I would always see the numbers 1111 every place I looked - on gas pumps - on till receipts - on clocks, literally anywhere with numbers.
I have to admit that I really do not know who or what the energy is that provided me with these insights but I knew it was Truth and I knew it was Light and not negative in any way what so ever.
In fact the energy was always very loving.
Higher self possibly (hard to say)!
I wrote the words as they came to me in the language it was delivered which was of a religious and sometimes poetic nature.
Although I do not consider myself religious, I do follow Jesus and I do consider my self to be Spiritual. I just do not believe Jesus belongs to the church but to every person who loves and seeks Truth.
I must admit that I had never read the bible but when the writings came to me I was always prompted to the gospels of Mathew to interpret the hidden meanings of these Truths.
There is also a free download ebook pdf in 3 parts called
Step into the Eternal
The books still remain unedited due to my work and other commitments and at the time just wanted to get the writings available for view, for anyone that the writings would speak to guide and assist during a Spiritual Awakening, so please excuse the grammar etc.
All images related to eternal1111 where created solely for this website and book, please contact me should you wish to use any image for purposes of sharing information of Love/Light/Truth.
The book recommendations on this web site are what I consider to be the best books to expand ones awareness but then all rivers lead to the ocean.
Please also look through the video links page.
As some of the recommendations will help greatly for those who seek the Truth.
Just like you there is a part of who and what I am that knows I am more than this, just like you there is a part of me that knows the Truth.
Born in the 70”s I didn’t have the best of starts in life and spent my early childhood in hospital but it was loving parents that saw me through, from the moment I was aware I hated the world and this only grew as I became more aware, often choosing solitude or the company of animals over the company of others.
I often preferred to sleep during the day and be awake at night feeling more peace during the early hours. Depression took a large part of my early life feeling a darkness fall upon me shortly after waking. Often feeling like a lost soul that didn’t belong in this alien world.
School for me was a nightmare often having more questions than answers and after registering in the mornings used to often climb the fence like escaping a prison.
As I grew into teenage years I slowly learnt to deaden my feelings in order to operate in the world.
Being so lost led me down undesirable roads until sometimes the pain became so unbearable that I would retreat from the world,
only to return to my old ways.
It wasn’t until the age of 28 that I finally had all I could take and decided I wanted out! It was that very night that my first experience happened seeing a great flash of Light, what seemed like Eternity and a download of information that was so vast that words would do no justice to.
Some of the first insights I had during my initial awakening involved a word that kept echoing in my mind but at the time having no computer or internet I could not research, the word was - Abyssinia! A word at that time I had never heard of and didn’t know what it meant? Along with this word echoing through my mind was the words Sheba and Sirius. I later came to realise that Abyssinia was the former name for modern day Ethiopia, Sheba was the Legendary Queen of Sheba and that Sirius was the Star Sirius.
Another part of my initial awakening involved a vivid dream that went from the beginning of humanity to the end although interlinked in some way, it this dream I was in some sort of work camp with guards of (Chinese features) on black horses with vicious black dogs keeping guard over many of us digging trenches etc - seeing an opportunity I broke free and ran and upon running away suddenly found myself upon the top of a large snow covered mountain that looked over the whole earth. I then turned to look toward the sky and saw the stars falling from the darkness. Still appearing to be standing on the same mountain I then saw earth in the distance out in space with Jupiter way back behind it.
As I stood watching I saw a type of black hole open in the darkness that began to pull Jupiter into it as though it was sucking in water down a plug hole - as Jupiter disappeared I then saw Earth following the same course as I was being lifted up into a bright Light above me and everything disappeared from my sight.
Although to this day I am still unaware of these connections and why I was being prompted to this information but knew there was some significant information there!
This is when I awakened! Newly awakened of course I kept nodding back off to sleep as time passed then more experiences would awaken me to keep me on the path.
Often my catalyst was pain, it’s a great awakener!
But once awake, although you may nod off for periods of time once you glimpse the Truth there is no return!
Although life was not great it no longer mattered for now I found my calling, I wasn’t interested in money or things I was interested in Knowledge, in Love, in Truth.
Many experiences followed including some what would be termed psychic insights occurred but mostly a longing for Truth.
As already mentioned I often felt a presence I called 1111.
I would never claim to know exactly what it was except an energy.
This loving energy would often fill me with knowledge, through visions, words within, insights and dreams.
Leaving me feeling protected peaceful and loved, inspired and filled with energy.
It helped me to realise we are all so much more and that there is a part of each of us that is the same regardless who we maybe outwardly.
I held no interest in small talk and found conversation with people very shallow and meaningless and uninspiring, generally ridiculed by others for scratching below the surface or questioning anything. I soon learnt to laugh this off realising some people are just so asleep and leave them in peace.
I often gravitated to those in pain or need as they always seemed to be more True or Genuine and we could pull each other deeper
where I liked to reside, not on the surface.
It was usually those in pain that were willing to grow Spiritually.
I was blessed to be awakened when I was but for me sleeping was no longer an option, although awakening has caused me ridicule and loneliness along the way the pain of being awake amongst those that sleep is nothing compared to the pain of being asleep. For me at least, ignorance was not bliss! Although my journey is far from over, as we have all yet to fully awaken.
Yet I have not fully awakened as there is much more for me to know and after 20 years I am still learning but ultimately we will all awaken and when that day happens the consciousness of the Great Masters will shine from all upon Earth!
Although it is every persons responsibility to awaken to Truth it is not until we reach a critical mass conscious awakening, upon reaching the critical mass the whole will awaken.
Unfortunately for the ones that remain asleep, the only way they will eventually awaken if they refuse to awaken consciously, will be through great pain.
Most people asleep will spend a life time listening to lies but will not even spare 1 hour to listen to Truth.
Those that refuse to awaken shall have to jump from an unconscious sleeping state to an awakened state that could happen instantaneously causing tremendous shock.
Yes we are all much greater than we appear!
We are all on our own paths heading home, let us respect the Truth knowing that we are all One, let us not relate as our religions, or our bodies, or our nationalities, or our races, or our genders, or our sexualities, or our professions, or our status or lack of status, let us relate to each other in a new way.
Let us relate as
Please also note:
It’s important to understand that while we seek the Truth we can sometimes be led astray as there is much deception about us, some things that we may consider to be absolute Truth may be tested within us thereby realising at a later stage as we develop further along the path that some of our perceptions need to be adjusted to fit in with our developed progress. Therefore always be aware that whatever you know you know nothing, this will keep you open to receive more.
(Once you start awakening to Truth you will begin to receive much psychic information what may appear as coincidences this is because you will have connected with a conscious stream of already awakened individuals, and a unconscious sharing of information will take effect)
To best understand this effect please see the hundredth monkey syndrome.