To the average thinking person health is just something we hope for and when we become sick can assume a whole lot of ideas and beliefs that we attach to the illness, ailment or condition.  

Yet the body being just a reflection of the consciousness is perfectly at ease when left alone.  

It is only the things that are added to it that cause the dis-ease.  

Like the mind when in a state of peace untouched and pure the body is no different and just like the mind, the more limited beliefs and ideas that are added then it's functioning is hampered.  

These days as in many past we always seek help for our so called problems from the outside, religions are telling people how to think and act building beliefs systems that are limited and oftentimes judgemental and separating. 

Governments on the other hand acting for us making decisions. 

Upon becoming ill we go to the doctor to be healed and leave with a box of drugs. Once again giving all responsibility over to yet another belief system that renders us helpless and in need.  

So if you want to seek the answers that you seek from beliefs of others then go ahead but the answers that you find will never be Truth. 

The answers that you truly seek lie within and it is no different when it comes to health. 

You can not keep adding medicines and drugs to the body and expect it to be healed,  we look for ways to elevate symptoms but rarely do we find the cause, we become completely out of tune with the inner-self. 

We may be experiencing signs on the body that something is wrong and the body is out of balance in some way.  

We may be suffering from a cold, being the only way the body can rid itself of toxins forcing us to rest while it eliminates these toxins and waste. 

Not only do we not rest but we then take medicines to stop it and therefore creating a deeper problem by not only stopping then body
from cleansing but also adding more toxins to it.  

The sickness that we suffer should not be viewed as a burden but a friend.  A friend that when listened to will lead us to the answers we 

As long as we live an unbalanced life and take in toxins and poisonous elements then we will fall into times of sickness and in-balance. 

Recognise this as a warning and try not to silence it otherwise the warnings will become louder and louder. 

Something as simple a dry skin on the bodies surface is another sign of toxins building within.  

Yet due to the state of our conciousness and our fixation for seeking what we need from 
outside of self we will then find ourselves searching for creams and lotions to treat the symptoms while ignoring the cause.  

Again adding more chemicals to the skin, then absorbed into the body, creating more toxins and more dry skin!!! 

The only people benifiting out of this are the people selling you the products. 

When we become more intune with our inner selves we need these things less and less.  

Yes, everyone has an answer to solve your problems but in-order to get that answer they require your money. 

And just like the mind that is seeking the Truth and seeks outside the self then it is someone or something else that you will always be a slave to for profit, power or pride. 

If you are to truly know the self then the only Truth you will eventually find will be within and if you are to fully heal the self then this is where you must start. 


As humanity awakens our lives will eventually change in all areas, from our working lives to the way we currently use fuels.  

Free energy will become the new thing, along with other changes in all areas of our lives.  When things are no long profit driven. Humanity has been held back in all areas at the expense of many, many, many lives, all for the purpose of supporting the few greedy ones at the top and to keep them in their seats of power and control.  

Healing with be another area that we will see completely transformed one the greed of the big pharmaceutical giants see their end. 

We will then be able to leap forward quickly as most of the technology and knowledge involved is already known only it is blocked. 

Light and sound frequency therapy will be used to heal a great deal of sickness, extending the life span of humanity immensely. 

Watching how frequency can effect sand granules imagine what the possibilities are to the cells of our bodies. 

Of course eventually at some future date we will no longer need any device to heal but our own thoughts.  Once our vibrational frequency aligns with that of Christ then sickness will be understood to be imbalance in the frequency field that could be corrected instantaneously just has Jesus himself healed the sick. 

Eventually as humanity raises its vibration eating meat will be unheard of and at some stage the eating will not be required either at such a time that humanity raises to such a light frequency that it will be sustained by the universal source energy - God. 

Why the water fast? 

A water fast is probably the ultimate cure for any dis-ease within the body. 

Like meditation for the mind the water fast is a meditation for the body and its length determines its benifits. 

Although we have many known dis-eases with many names and as each year passes more dis-eases and names for them are discovered and drugs created to  deal with these dis-eases that cost money money money.  

This is one thing that I ask you to try. 

And best of all - it's free!!!

Research and check all the facts and knowledge on water fasting. 

Start slowly - to begin with just fast during the day and eat on evening for days building up to a fast to prepare your body and mind. 

After this make your first water fast short. 

Start with a 2 day water fast and build up giving yourelf at least a month before attempting another. 

Fasting can cause weight loss and muscle loss so you must allow your body to build up again between fasts. 

You are allowing your body and mind to rest during a water fast but there is also a lot of inner work going on while your energy resources are hard at work repairing other parts of the body usually left while energy is used digesting food. 

Bare this in mind and don't try to over do it.  

Those that are naturally underweight should start with short fasts as not to loose anymore weight but many actually find that following a short fast the digestive health may improve allowing better intake of nutrition following digestive rest and repair.  Only then and after long breaks between fasting attempts should fasts be increased in length.  Build up calories between fasts so that the body will have more fuel for the next.  

Those that are overweight may find that significant weight loss may occur but should also follow strict guidelines and not attempt to over do a fast in order to just loose weight.  

This is not a diet but a healing and spiritual exercise for the body and mind and should be treated as such. 

Let the results speak for themselves 

Good luck. 

Of course not everyone is suited to this kind of practice and those that already suffer from long term conditions and have already consulted with a health practitioner should continue on their chosen path. 

There are those that have become dependant on the treatments of choice and any sudden change could cause harm, so please consult with your chosen medical practitioner before taking any advise. 

Gluten Intolerance & IBS

The modern evil gluten intolerance is big news these days but it is also big money! 

So many people with health issues and gut health issues are turning to the gluten free industry for a solution to their problems but are we overlooking something? 

While gluten intolerance seems to be a real issue for many could it really be that those suffering with this condition just have an underlying issue that the gluten is highlighting? 

Could it be that the intolerance to certain foods is pointing to the gut health of the individual, could it be that the intolerance is highlighting an imbalance that needs addressing and instead of using gluten free foods and products like a medicine or drug that we should be acting on the alarm bell and not trying to silence it? 
Could you consider that almost every health disorder from gluten intolerance to cancer could all be different stages of dis-ease that are ringing alarm bells to a major imbalance within. 

The bodies immune system that protects the body and keeps it in optimum health is all tied up in the gut and when we have an imbalance with bad and good gut flora we have a big problem
Is it time for a different approach? 

Could restoring our gut health restore our health?  

Common sense must prevail, how long will we sell keep the big pharma in business by earning trillions at the cost of our lives.   

It's time for change on a mass level and we must wake up to this evil.  

There are many ways we can help ourselves whatever our problem and it is the natural ways that are the Truth 


Also see:-
Papaya - plus the seed
Press image to view

List of anti parasite foods
