To the average thinking person health
is just something we hope for and when we become sick
can assume a whole lot of ideas and beliefs that we attach to the illness, ailment or condition.
Yet the body being just a reflection of the consciousness is perfectly at ease when left alone.
It is only the things that are added to it that cause the dis-ease.
Like the mind when in a state of peace untouched and pure the body is no different and just like the mind, the more
limited beliefs and ideas that are added then it's functioning is hampered.
These days as in many past we always seek help for our so called problems from the outside, religions are telling people how to think and act building beliefs systems that are limited and oftentimes judgemental and separating.
Governments on the other hand acting for us making decisions.
Upon becoming ill we go to the doctor to be healed and leave with a box of drugs. Once again
giving all responsibility over to yet another belief system that renders us helpless and in need.
So if you want to seek the answers that you seek from beliefs of
others then go ahead but the answers that you find will never be Truth.
The answers that you truly seek lie within and it is no different when it comes to health.
You can not keep adding medicines and drugs to the body and expect it to be healed, we look for ways to elevate
symptoms but rarely do we find the cause, we become completely out of tune with the inner-self.
We may be experiencing signs on the body that something is wrong and the body is out of balance in some way.
We may be suffering from a cold,
being the only way the body can rid itself of toxins forcing us to rest while it eliminates these toxins and
Not only do we not rest but we then take medicines to stop it and therefore creating a deeper problem by not only stopping
then body
from cleansing but also adding more toxins to it.
The sickness that we suffer should not be viewed as a burden but a
friend. A friend that when listened to will lead us to the answers we
As long as we live an unbalanced life and take in toxins and poisonous elements then we will fall into times of sickness and in-balance.
Recognise this as a warning and try not to silence it otherwise the
warnings will become louder and louder.
Something as simple a dry skin on the bodies surface is another sign of toxins building within.
Yet due to the state of our conciousness and our fixation for
seeking what we need from
outside of self we will then find ourselves searching for creams
and lotions to treat the symptoms while ignoring the cause.
Again adding more chemicals to the skin, then absorbed into the
body, creating more toxins and more dry skin!!!
The only people benifiting out of this are the people selling you the products.
When we become more intune with our inner selves we need these things less and less.
Yes, everyone has an answer to solve your problems but in-order to get that answer they require your money.
And just like the mind that is seeking the Truth and seeks outside the self then it is
someone or something else that you will always be a slave to for profit, power or pride.
If you are to truly know the self then the only Truth you will eventually find will be within
and if you are to fully heal the self then this is where you must start.