They bring falseness to Truth as we bring Truth to falseness.
They’re strength is the world stage, the dream!
The world is awakening from the dream!
Our strength is therefore growing!
Nothing can stop it!
The Stars Falling from the Sky
Published - 14th April 2020
“Welcome to Hollywood, what’s your dream?”
The stuff that dreams and nightmares are made of.
Humanity is awaking to the Truth and as it awakens the Truth before its eyes are coming to fruition.
The stars of Hollywood are literally falling from the sky and shining no more!
Yes the illusion is coming crashing down and burning to the ground.
As more and more people across the world awaken to the realisation that all that glitters is not gold!
Humanity has been sold an illusion and along with Hollywood and the main stream media all is being revealed and will dissolve before our eyes.
A Hugh propaganda machine used to subdue the masses into a grand illusion.
It’s stars propped up before the eyes of humanity as idols to worship and bow to.
Looked up to like gods, then once idolised filling the minds of humanity with their opinions and agendas, demigods to lead humanity further into the illusion and further from the Truth!
Making us believe that all things of evil and debortuary are glamorous and to be strived for.
Misleading children and adults alike, with violence, sex and murder shown as just part of normal life.
Filling our consciousness with fear and hate but with a glimpse of hope. Always give them hope to keep them believing!
Humanity has been infiltrated by evil and gladly accepted even paying for it, lifting it higher and higher beyond reach, even making the misled
strive for its wanders of becoming stars as the ultimate goal to achieve in life.
Even though they openly flaunt their arrogance right in front of our faces, those that sleep are incapable of seeing.
The absolute horrendous display before their eyes blinds them to the so called glamour of it all!
They care little for the screaming sheep that stand before them worshipping them, in fact they probably disgusted.
Do they actually believe they are the chosen ones and those that have lifted them to the sky’s care for them?
Yes, as humanity looks on at the horrors it has been fed and awakens to the Truth then we must understand with Love and Compassion.
Yes, before we pick up our stones to throw at those that have deceived us let us remember than we gladly went along with the dream, the illusion, the lie.
It was there to clearly see and humanity chose to watch. No one forced us to watch such lies. Yes granted it was all hidden but humanity chose to sleep!
As you awaken don’t exchange your ignorance for more ignorance by placing blame, for as you blame and point fingers then once again you give your power away to something outside of the self,
without taking any responsibility and so fall back asleep.
We have to take responsibility for our ignorance, we have Free Will and have always had Free Will by blaming others we deny our own Free Will.
It is time for humanity to take full responsibility, otherwise it can not awaken but remain asleep!
Refrain from judgement, otherwise with you give back your power to that what you judge.
If we are to become fully awake that means taking responsibility fully.
Yes, you have been led astray but those that have led you astray have also been led astray!
The stars that you have falsely idolised and followed have also falsely idolised and followed, yes they have believed they are above you, with their riches and fame but only because you
worshipped them.
For some of them maybe there is no return from how far they have strayed from Truth/Love/God
Yet let us remember that they have also been used. Of course this doesn’t mean they are innocent. But we do not know for certain what control has also been put upon some of them.
There are some that are totally unaware they are being used in such way and there are some that advocate and push the agenda.
It will become clear to see that those that humanity have looked up to as idols are very broken individuals.
They crave attention, they crave love, and it will become clear that those in such positions that have always been looked up to are more dis-functional than those that have looked up to
Yet some have just craved power these ones are the ones that will be lost, depending how far they have strayed.
It is through their dis-functionality that they were chosen, being easier to influence and control by those that have handled and groomed them and lifted them to such heights.
Again maybe there is no return for some for they have strayed to far from God/Love/Light.
Have compassion for those lost souls and as you do become compassionate, then you will truly know Love.
Many stars and celebrities will be coming to the realisation that they aren’t so different from those they once look down from when they shone in the sky above humanity, and as they come crashing
to earth remember they too will be in great pain, never again will they be held so high.
Have compassion as the reality they face hits them too. As you accuse some of them for mis-leading you then also look back at your own life and
remember some of the things you did to mis-lead others, not knowing any better at the time.
It is a time to Love not hate.
It is time for humanity to turn within to seek the Truth.
We have looked outside of ourselves for long enough so don’t let the revealing of the darkness before you distract you again.
Turn your back on the darkness and turn to the Light.
Take back your Free Will and turn away from those that have misled you and don’t let their downfall mislead you any further.
Many are transfixed upon the events unfolding on earth at the moment so yes as these events awaken you from the dream turn from it.
You have watched the illusion long enough and as you awaken do not fall back asleep by watching the illusions reality unfold before your eyes and become yet another distraction from the your
Don’t turn from the movies that once distracted you to the the movie being played out off the screen.
It’s yet another distraction.
Turn from the world and look to the Light within to guide you not the darkness without.