Published March 2021
Physiological Warfare
As we
look back over 2020 to those of us awake things were not right.
It wasn’t about a virus it was about tyranny and control.
As we are aware not only were the globalist loosing with their game plan but people were finally waking up to this plan, along with Brexit and a power shift in the USA with President Trump
gaining more and more popularity panic began to set in amongst the globalist elite.
As the power was slipping from there grasp things had to be speeded up, plans set in place for further down the time lined had to be bought forward!
The only way forward was to grab back control at any means before it was to late! The plandemic was the perfect plan. How do you get back control whilst at the same time remove
those that are threatening your control? Please see articles below (Once upon a time on Earth)
However now we have moved into 2021 it is clearer to see how some of the events of 2020 have played a role in this plan.
For instance it was very odd to most people why the mainstream media where not airing the police arresting people for peacefully protesting against - forced lockdowns - masks and anti
vaccine. These scenes were also being taken down on social media sites and streaming channels. They didn’t want to show how many people were against this type of tyranny, yet to
our amazement the airwaves were filled with footage of BLM antifa protesters pulling down statues and looting shops etc all while the police stood by and the reporters filmed!
Government seemed to be actively encouraging this behaviour and support for BLM and others being pushed by every corporation and network imaginable. Why?
That’s the question - why?
Why the soft touch for these protesters but a hard touch for peaceful protesters and no media coverage?
Now as the plan unfolds it’s clear to see the agenda that was at work.
Laws are now being drawn up to stop the right to protest, knowing this was the long term plan those implementing these laws knew that they couldn’t enforce these laws based on people
peacefully protesting for their human rights.
They knew well in advance that people would not accept this but now as they draw up these laws they can focus on the inability of the police powers to stop rioters and looters and remind
everyone that were shocked at the scenes aired during 2020 can not be allowed to happen again. There was no real concern for the black community! These people were used for their
plans to change the laws in their favour.
Laws that will prevent law abiding citizens from peacefully gathering to object to tyranny and control from corrupt governments.
Very clever, don’t you think!
The same tactics are always used, Christian against Muslim, white against black, women against men, mask wearers against anti maskers, vaxers against anti vaxers, left against right, divide
and rule! The oldest trick in the book.
It’s time to wake up!!!
Those that sleep are now a threat to everyone.
As the news broke of the “coronavirus” things progressed very rapidly.
As we watched at the beginning we may have turned on the news MSM (main stream media)
Initially it was our only source of information, many started off watching their local news in countries they reside within and many still do.
Yet those that we would term Truth Seekers slowly began to turn away from MSM knowing from experience and also feeling a mis-trust in the MSM narrative.
Many Truth Seekers have learnt over the previous years to be vigilant!
More and more people have started to Awaken to the Truth as the Forces of Love/Light/God - Truths energies began to increase. What ever name we
choose is irrelevant, the religions may be more familiar with the term the second coming.
Whatever we choose to call it matters not, a tsunami of Love/Light/Truth was coming as Prophesied and Humanity’s consciousness was Lifting and
Awakening to Love/Light/Truth!
For many,many years humanity has been controlled and manipulated and those that have orchestrated this have remained silently in the background
pulling the strings of their puppets or slaves, that they have placed into positions of power all across the planet. In all areas from the highest to the lowest levels, they have
infiltrated every area of our lives.
Those that were corrupt, hungry for power, egocentric, criminally minded, depraved were sort out by them in order to keep their structures of power
intact and to also progress there evil plans to eventually enslave humanity under their complete control. Where they could track and silence any one the didn’t become their slaves or become
one of their Global Citizens!!
Yes what they had planned was not for them but for all of humanity they ruled over!
This was technology implanted into the body making you their product, to be tracked and censored and even switched off should you not
Their attitude for those familiar with Star Trek would be similar to the Borg, “you will be assimilated, resistance is futile”
Conveniently enough cash is also being portrayed as a danger during the coronavirus pandemic due to passing on the virus.
Their darkness and evil has always been there as explained throughout the pages of this site and elsewhere for you to see!
(Also see the page 1111 on this site.)
In days gone by their way of dealing with Truth seekers were more barbaric openly and publicly killing those that stood against them even nailing
Jesus to the Cross.
But has humanity slowly evolved and such evil would not be openly tolerated so then did they carry out such acts in secret or in the
Their layers and structures of control where set up throughout society.
The lower ones where recruited and controlled by their secret societies like masons for instance that overlooked the base control units,
organisations such as local authorities.
Then as we move further up the ladder we have those that stand above the base control units, the political class.
Needless to say most Truth seekers are fully aware by now of the structures and if you are not there are many sources to gather that
We know the pyramid structures they use.
“Bless are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth”
Matthew 5:5
It is the meek that are the children of God and it is those that shall never be corrupted for no amount of money, prestige or power would corrupt those of Light.
Once upon a time on Earth
A Story Of Awakening
Part 2
After many years of liberal rule and control coming from those above us and those above them, the commands from the top that are passed down the pyramid,.
I believe
the term they use would be as above, so below.
The constant commands coming down where designed to subdue the masses yet in the strangest twist of events began to awaken them.
Yes we literally broke in two, half of humanity began to awaken while the other half remained asleep.
Taking the opportunity unfolding the liberal leaders instructed from above jumped on this opportunity to create greater and greater divisions to keep the slaves on the base level busy while
pressing ahead and speeding up their plans.
When we approached 2016 a great percentage of the people where becoming aware of the plans of the globalist elite, by way of those on the right that where pushing against the agendas of the left.
But this struggle was exhausting for those leading the way, the awakening ones had no voice and those that spoke out where standing alone in the darkness, ridiculed and silenced, but the good
brave ones would not shut up.
Nigel Farage of the United Kingdom was one of the early ones to walk into to this darkness with his little flashlight of Truth, trying to shine a light into the darkest halls of power.
Looked upon and portrayed as reckless and annoying.
Yet thankfully this man never gave up and should most certainly go down in the history books as a saviour for his work for humanity, this is something people are yet to see.
Finally Mr Farage got what he fought for after approximately 25 years of struggle and through a twist of fate The United Kingdom finally got their choice to vote in a referendum to detach from
the shackles of the globalist European agenda, probably not expecting this to be a problem, those in Brussels and the left through their arrogance brushed this off, laughing at the fact this will
never happen.
But unbeknown to them, enough people were awake to sway the vote of the referendum and on the 23rd of June 2016 the world watched in shock from one side and ecstatic delight from the other
side as history was made when a multitude of people across The United Kingdom with the exception of Scotland and The British Over Seas Territory of Gibraltar had voted to leave the European
The delight soon turned to dismay after the other half mainly liberal supporters that lost the vote suddenly forgot a vote took place!!
Backed once again by the main stream media pushing its global masters agenda it riled up the people doing what it does best with the name leavers and remainers being pushed upon the British
The sights of the liberal left remainers was shocking for the world to see, stirring up anger across the world dividing people into to left and right in many countries.
As the anger grew and the battle went on in Britain, lie after lie, after lie was forced upon the leavers, but this was meant to be!
For it started to wake up even some remainers due to the extremes and lies that were being used. Losing hope and feeling a pending sense of enslavement.
The hypocrisy was sickening.
As things moved on and a deflated people tried to keep fighting all hope seemed to be slipping away. The under handedness of the globalist and their slaves everywhere where soul destroying
for those awake.
Britain being a small country in the shadows of this huge continent of Europe was being over run and those that had sold their souls to the globalist elite were still sitting in the
seats of power.
But history was about to repeat itself and the events of the second world war were simmering away under the surface, when together with it’s Allies Great Britain, The United States of America,
The Soviet Union and France who had together previously fought off the invading globalist movement of the time being based in Nazi Ruled Germany.
But the war was never won just delayed.
As the struggle for Brexit was occurring in Britain building in the background was America’s part to play, having watched the suffering of their cousins across the pond the American Republicans
were feeling their pain also having their country and freedom stripped away by the globalist and liberal left they also knew only to well!!
The Truth movement’s in the United States of America were also building up along with Great Britain. Also just like Great Britain sitting in the shadows of the globalist European Union and
also being infiltrated from within its own shores, so to was America.
With Canada on its northern border seeming to be completely under the rule of the globalist and also infiltrated from within, America too was under great pressure!
With more and more people awakening across both nations, people in other nations across the world were also awaking as the New Age of Light was gaining stronger.
Now it was America’s turn to take center stage the Truth movement had been growing rapidly as the Light had been spreading across the Earth.
Then after suffering under the rule of the globalist liberals The American people who had been also awakening had been struggling to take back control, rallying behind the incoming President the
movement was getting immense, a Super Power upon the world stage and those in Great Britain almost deflated where rooting and watching from afar along with others across the Globe.
This was critical and the intensity was growing! Feeling powerless those awake within Britain and across the world were willing the Truth movement in America to come up “Trumps” and after
huge rallies across The United States following the election on the 8th November 2016 the Republicans WON!
Donald J Trump became the 45th President of The United States of America! Backed by the good guys in the USA military and his Vice President Mike Pence, President Trump was inaugurated on
20th of January 2017. Beating Hillary Clinton leader of The Democratic liberal party.
Once upon a time on Earth
A Story Of Awakening
Part 3
The Democrats were furious and they could not hide it!
The Democrats expected to win the election and couldn’t believe it. They had spent the previous years pulling every string to secure a win that fell flat on its face.
Just like the bureaucrats in Brussels their arrogance was their downfall, they to hadn’t anticipated a lose.
They had also used the main stream media and show business to sell their globalist agenda thinking they could still control the sheep!
Trump was now their target and so an onslaught of propaganda ensued upon the President and his administration, most celebrities who where also linked up with the global elite used every
opportunity to attack!
Yet their attacks were in vein, for the more they attacked the more they exposed themselves to the people, the more this confirmed people’s suspicions.
Meanwhile back in Great Britain the same was happening as celebrities and main stream media were now torn on wether to attack Trump or attack the leave voters.
It seemed that the war was building.
Yet as in the United States a multitude of people were awake, being so removed from the people and living in their own world the globalist had no idea how awake the people were.
Thinking they could still be controlled.
Mean while in Britain The Prime Minister was getting no where with Brexit traveling to in Brussels under the guise of Brexit negotiations but possibly to take orders?
With so much going on in the British parliament and remainers still blocking every move forward, dubious figures, backing the globalist started to be pulled back out to the public eye.
Mean while France begins to rise, the French people have had enough, Frances movement was the yellow vests. Thousands upon thousands standing up to the globalist and growing in strength and numbers again no main stream media coverage.
Canada, still a strong hold for the globalists however, with its liberal government. Italy and some of the Eastern European countries were also waking up to the globalist agenda.
As tensions are growing in a Britain and the left still doing everything in their power to stop Brexit, parliament is now in complete breakdown.
In the background Nigel Farrage had built his Brexit Party this was obviously terrifying for those in Brussels knowing that if he was
successful they would have lost control over Britain, a very important pierce within their Jigsaw puzzle they were assembling.
With Britain now in turmoil all orchestrated by the globalist and Nigel Farage rising back up, it was blatantly obvious that a new plan was to be hatched.
The current Prime Minister standing against Nigel Farage would not stand a chance, so she was replaced with a new one that would be more accepted and combat the threat of the rise of the
Brexit Party.
Interestingly Nigel Farage also held a hand out to the new leader to join forces but was turned down.
When justice is finally served Nigel Farage is possibly likely to become Britains Prime Minister.
At this stage the people of Hong Kong begin to rise, now coming more under the control of the communist party of China- (possibly one of the greatest threats to the freedom of humanity.)
Hong Kong as been has known had the freedom of British rule until 1997 but now back under the fist of the People Republic of China, generally China’s European Union.
globalist elite that it appears are run from the top by two factions the European one and the Chinese one. Both with their own separate agendas to enslave humanity but probably can’t
agree with each other or though most probably inter connected at some levels.
Obviously in deeper talks with one another as to how to deal with this fret they are facing on both fronts.
Although coming together for one purpose but most probably just until they deal with the problem of the rising of humanity after which they have dealt with would then turn on each other like
dogs in a pit fighting for dominance!
Better the devil you know seems to sum this collaboration up.
So we have both sides losing control thanks to the people awakening across the world now not helped with President Trump and the good guys disrupting their plans.
Probably in meetings in the darkest shady corners of both their fortresses in China and Europe meetings underway by these evil globalist. Most probably in discussion has to how the rising can be stopped!
Nothing is working and they are being blocked from every side, the interesting thing here too is not only do they have Trump to contend
with and the people uprising but also each side has players planted in each other’s camps. As possibly over the years the ones they had placed in all areas of politics have switched
from side to side for the highest price.
None of them on either side have any loyalty to their masters and no one can be trusted?
But for the purpose of our agenda it is probably best that they join forces.
Discussions on how to stop this disease of humanity awaking is probably the topic on the table, with the possibility of Trump now in full control and the 2020 Presidential election fast
With Russia and North Korea also in the background yet to step on to the stage publicly.
Once upon a time on Earth
A Story Of Awakening
Part 4
As the next
stage of the plan unveils the propaganda machine in Communist controlled China begins. News footage begins to be released showing the rise of a pandemic, a deadly virus.
This plan had obviously been hatched many years before, searching past footage of the globalist we can see warnings of this right in front of our
very eyes. We had the warnings given by some previous leaders.
(View videos)
Although all provinces and cities in China are under communist rule it was the mainly the residents of this one particular city the the propaganda machine was focused upon.
The movie set was staged and this city became the epicentre. Strangely other large provinces within China report little to no cases.
Possibly just the one city was enough to convince the Western world that was slipping from the hands of the globalist that this threat was real.
This was to terrify the west into submission as to what was to come!
Once this scenario had played out now it was time to take it to Europe.
The location was set and ready to go news channels start the reporting from Italy in preparation for the coming virus, news footage begins to
surface of thousands dying of the virus.
In preparation for this all western countries start to step up preparations and restrictions begin to contain the virus with people starting to
panic, powers begin to be introduced giving the base command new authority to implement their powers.
Even those awakened where confused and those asleep just took orders doing what they were told. Until before long everything was put into
complete lock down. Again we had those asleep reporting those that left their homes to the authorities.
These authorities where then rushing to the scene as though rushing to the scene of a murder!
There where whose that stood up to this but to do so is futile, you can not deal with that type of consciousness in that way no more than you could
convince a liberal minded person that their rights are being stripped away by what they support.
The only way to truly deal with this type of consciousness is to appear to go along with their belief otherwise you will be termed a
Those awake know that they actually don’t have the authority over you that they claim and it’s all a game!
Yet in order to survive you have to play the game. At least for the time being anyway.
Many of the Chinese people have by now already accepted complete control over their lives and willingly accepted technologies that will enslave them, as is clear to see if you have been
following the videos along this story.
The Chinese Communist Party is one of the greatest threats to humanity and if the globalist agenda was enforced across the globe once in place and secure the two globalist elites, those of
China and those of the west would then turn their attentions upon one another, fighting for supremacy!
It is the western part of humanity where the only hope now lies in the prevention of these plans, yes there are awakened ones within Chinese society but not to the extent to reach a critical
mass for awakening as to many have already succumbed to control and have almost given them selves over, with the exception of Hong Kong and possibly other parts of Asia.
It is the western populations that are awakened. Although many in the west still sleep and would willingly hand all power to the western globalist it is the awakened ones that continue
to fight for their freedoms, yet they do not fight physically, no this is a spiritual battle.
Hordes of the population, especially across Europe have supported the European project, willingly walking to their own demise, and as mentioned with the exception of small pockets scattered
about Europe it was mainly the awakened one in Britain that rejected this, yet alone they were not enough.
Oddly enough with corona virus situation not only brexit probably be delayed or stopped but also the US elections.
With a majority of Canada also lost it was down to the American people to tilt the scales back in favour of the people and this they did!
Nothing can stop those awakened, no propaganda machine will now work. Those awakened already knew from the beginning that the coronavirus was a propaganda fear machine to crash the
economy, effect the up coming election in the USA just as the propaganda machine rolled out to prevent Brexit failed.
Once people’s eyes open they do not close again, but as many are away the globalist have many magick tricks up their sleeves. This is why those awakened turned their attention to 5G.
A technology we know little of and all of a sudden there seemed to be a rush to implement this, towers popping up everywhere sometimes in the dead of night. Under who’s authority?
As the
propaganda machine was set in to motion the people of China where the first to suffer. Under the rules of a dictatorship communist government that although we all are in different forms and
levels China’s regime is much more publicity blatant.
there have much more power to wield over its people and some can be brutal. It may become apparent at a later date that it was even more brutal than we appeared to view, with people being
locked in homes and people also being dragged away to who knows where?
Once upon a time on Earth
A Story Of Awakening
The End
Although fully aware of the concerns of the people the authorities paid no attention and have still to address this issue, only leading to more suspicion from the people. There is
nothing that will convince people to accept new technologies under such world wide conditions.
Therefore they will continue to be destroyed! With the looming fact that humanity has been lied to, abused, used then why on earth would anyone trust these psychopaths with anything.
They have lost all credibility to lead anyone and humanity is awaking to this and they know it. They will find themselves in a very dark place when humanity is standing in the
For those still asleep to this fact are in for a very rude awakening! They can now pull every trick out of the bag but this will be effortless and only add energy to their own demise.
Everything now used will be turned ten fold upon them! It’s pointless even trying.
We could go on predicting what will happen next and who is on the good side and who is on the bad etc etc etc but there is no need!
Humanity is awakening and nothing can stop it now it has started and yes it could have gone either way, if those that awoke had not then we would have been headed for enslavement by these
satanic, lost, soulless entities that thought they where greater than God and his Children but what has started can not be undone Humanity is Awake!
The end had come but not the end that many feared but the end of the days of darkness!
The shocking Truths that will accompany the coming of Light and the end of darkness may shock the world to its very core but nether or less humanity will have to awaken to these Truths.
Although many may complain that their freedoms are being removed they may later discover that their freedoms are being restored, for humanity will eventually step back out into a world of
Light that was once shrouded in darkness.
A darkness that has been working for centuries in the shadows, within the darkest places imaginable. Yet there will be no stone left unturned and not place left to hide for a Great
Light now shines that will cast away this darkness and those that have hidden can run but can not hide.
They will be revealed, like blood sucking vampires bought out to the Light their end is near. They can not survive in the Light of Truth.
Be glad to be alive to witness and be part of the most beautiful ending to any story ever told as all of humanity in the physical and spiritual realms that have passed awaiting to return are
lifted in to the Light of Gods Love!
All praise be to God Almighty.
The decision of the of the United Kingdom (with the exception of (Scotland) & (Gibraltar) to exit from the European Union has indeed shocked the world.
Britain needs a Strong Prime Minister and a cabinet of
ministers that should include a representative of different thinkers.
Those thinkers should be those that are focused more towards the (Out) vote but can sympathise with remain or at least have an understanding of their concerns but with the strength to stand
true to the decision made.
The Prime Minister needs to be able to face the old thinkers and bureaucratic establishment of Brussels with little concern for those that wanted to remain.
Although a little harsh, it is what is required for the good of all in the long run and those that wanted to remain will realise this in the future.
For now there can be those other members of the cabinet that could deal with the remainders concerns but this SHOULD NOT be the concern of the person in charge of the exit
A divide has occurred almost straight down the the center with those so called (in or outers)!
There are deep rifts occurring and the country needs to be bought together not pulled further apart.
A mixed government of (in & outers) although very noble would not serve Britains interests.
A government cabinet of (outers) from all the parties would be a very wise option. The (ins) are reacting strongly right now which is causing a resentment in both directions. The
best Government that could be built now would be a Government that represents people from each political party.
The highest option and the most wise would be to reshuffle the current party, choosing the cabinet ministers that wanted to exit the European Union in favour of those that wanted to stay.
The remaining positions that need to be filled should be chosen from the other political parties and favour should lean toward those of the other parties that also see the benifit of leaving
the European Union.
Yet there are many reasons outs voted out and ins voted in and there are valid concerns on either side, a vote was taken as it should, in a true democracy and that vote must stand otherwise
the whole idea of democracy it self is at risk.
This would leave all in a very bad place.
Although a vote that was so close, nevertheless it is what democracy is built upon.
Those outers that voted out to stop what they viewed as an attack on Democracy and Freedom, that generations have worked toward, feel a resentment towards those that choose to stay
The outers not only feel that the inners want to give those freedoms away to the Eliteist leaders of Europe, who represent the corporate global giants trying to steer humanity to its
own agenda.
They are now also faced with those that can not seem to see this and now want to destroy democracy further by calling for a cancellation of a democratic vote.
Of course those that chose to remain do hold valid concerns too, for instance there are those the voted to leave that are of a racist mindset.
These individuals did indeed push the vote in favour of an exit but it must be understood that a majotlrity of voters are not racist but are those that can no longer tolerate the pressure
from Brussels upon their lives and the arrogance of those in charge that believe the people's opinions did not matter.
The fact is, these racits mindsets where as racist before the exit as they are now. The only difference now is that they may be acting arrogant now believing it is all about them.
Be assured that just like the power hungry, the corrupt, the racist shall all struggle to function as will all else that does not support the Light and its waves will wash all these things
It is difficult indeed to enter such a debate without picking sides for that is the nature of duality and separation and the planet at its current moment. With wars and fighting
appearing all over the globe.
The future can not be predicted for that is the choice of humanity under the Universal Law of Free Will.
There is currently much occurring right now as Planet Earth is under going much change and transformation and there is also a great shift taking place.
Humanity is fully in a State of Awakening now, and there is more coming!
Due to the nature of the changes ahead it is only those that are in support of this change that will succeed, wether that be in Britain or any other country across the world.
As this change occurs then there will be shake ups in all areas of power and leadership and although power corrupts, corruption will not be so easy to hide like previously has
It is only those that hold the highest values of right and wrong, those with an inner strength and knowledge and a slight awareness of the greater picture however obscure to them at the
It is only these that will succeed.
We are entering a time where you must be tuned into these energies to serve otherwise you will be stripped of responsibility and possibly publicly humiliated in the New Light of
It is only those that stand for Freedom & Democracy and all things of Truth that will be favoured by the Light that is here and coming in never ending waves.
The fear mongers and those that are grabbing on to to old ways will find the coming times unbearable, unless they embrace the change.
There are those that have knowingly or unknowingly backed and supported the Globalist Corporate Elite, wether they be from the banking, government, religious, pharma or any other areas.
They will find that their alliance to these dark forces are going to do them much harm now and they will also discover that the monster that they have served does not care anything of them
and will be cast aside as worthless now they have served their purpose.
A new dawn is rising for humanity and as the signs will show there will still be those that will cling to the darkness of the past.
Like a bird or animal that is caged for life and feels
safe and secure in that cage, it has never known the freedom of flight. When opening the door to the cage it may not leave.
In fact it may not see the door as open because it as only
ever known it closed. Eventually if it runs or may fly to its freedom, it now has to fend for itself and learn anew. This can be the difficult part but the results of its freedom
however difficult to begin with are far better than the security of any cage.
If a new Government is established in the way foreseen,
then it could do very well and benefit all and would also most likely survive a reelection.
If how ever it is not re-established in a knowledgeable
way then it will lead to splits and conflicts and much wasted time in future as interim Governments come in and out of power.
Is it time to start anew?
As those in the shadows struggle for power, and pick at the carcasses of the remaining parties.
Is it time for a new political party?
A party that will set a standard for governments across the world.
A party that is honest, that is united, that is of one direction and one mind operating as many.
A party that believes in the values of Freedom and Democracy, Justice and Truth.
These are not things we will struggle to put Right or implement for they are natural occurrences of the Light.
So those of the old will see the end but those aligned to the Light will Asend.