It is amazing to see so many people who claim to be spiritually awakened within the very resent past, the people that stand against large corporations and government institutions that have a
nefarious agenda planned for humanity.
Many many people are awaking to the fact that these so called (elite species) who believe they are the gate keepers for humanity look down on them like cattle or animals that need to be
controlled through depopulation agendas and other disgusting ideologies.
These very people awakening to these truths are very vocal in all areas regarding the behaviour of these so called officials to the human species.
More and more people are awakening to the horrors that they have been blind to for many, many years.
Yet these very same people that shout out for justice will feel no remorse of guilt what so ever in the fact that every second of every day lorry loads of terrified animals are being transported
to slaughter houses and treated in despicable inhumane disgusting ways for your own consumption!
There is absolutely no excuse to continue this practice if you claim to be awake!!
You can argue and argue for as long as you want for the acceptance of this but in reality you are fooling yourself.
It is a great contradiction to stand on your soap box shouting out at the injustice that humanity has suffered at the hands of tyrannical governments and so called higher officials while you
yourself consume innocent animals that are sentient beings that have has much right to live as you yourself.
There is even talk that vegetarians are misled and a belief that patriots and so called truthers should stand in defiance of the agenda to end meat eating.
It is clear to see that although many believe they have awakened, evolved etc that they have not!!!!!!
Awakening and evolution comes hand in hand with love and compassion for all living creatures and anyone who had truly awakened to Love, Truth, Spirituality, God, All that is - has not!
You are fooling yourself if you believe you have!!!!!!
You still have much work to do and a long path to travel!
One day in this life you may awaken and realise you were wrong!
If you do not then I assure you that you still have a long way to go until you do Truly Awaken from your unconscious sleep!
You still believe you should be treated as a sovereign being by those that believe stand above you while at the same time participating in the murder of innocent animals that you believe you
stand above!
You may choose to overlook this message and ignore the Truth!
Many of us have been raised as meat eaters and have never truly questioned the ethics of this.
Yet I defy any of you that eat meat to visit a slaughter house and put your options where your mouth is!
Even the very word (slaughter house) should not exist! It’s macabre!
Yet you turn a blind eye to the utter disgusting business of the meat trade!
It’s so easy to pretend that because you don’t see the Truth that it doesn’t matter!
(Smiling for a photo opportunity before committing murder!)
Can you imagine an evolved civilisation void of hierarchy and crime and corruption treating animals in such a way?
The very type of civilisation that you fight to achieve!
We also have to question the type of people that carry out this practice!
They are literally dead inside emotionally and spiritually.
Please do not claim to be spiritually awakened and a compassionate being yet refuse to question your meat eating!
It should be obvious to you by now that the more that you consume meat that you are consuming lower energies, dense energy that is keeping you grounded in a 3D system. You can deny this for as
long as you wish but if you truly want to raise your vibration out of fear based consciousness then this is also a bridge you must cross!
By freely choosing to consume meat you are actively funding a disgusting, hateful, cruel and despicable practice that causes innocent loving animals to suffer horrendous horrors that you are also
then consuming into your own body!
Be honest with yourself! Stop living in ignorance! Stop claiming and declaring that as a human you are treated with contempt by those you believe control you in this world, while at the
same time allowing yourself to do the exact same thing, even worse to life you consider below you.
Until we reach such a time that humanity fully awakens then it’s fair to say that there is nothing we can do to stop the meat trade, all we can do is one by one open our eyes to this despicable
trade and practice!
In the mean time why not help the many good organisations around the world that rescue and take care of animals that where heading to slaughter.
Look into one near you!