(Planet X)
The Alien Races 
Nibiru, Planet X, The Destroyer, Planet 9

This so called planetary system under many different names, by the ancient Sumerian’s amongst others is reported to be a planet or planetary system that travels in a gigantic orbit that interacts with our own solar system approximately every 3600 years. 

Upon its return into our solar system the planet is said to orbit our sun before heading back out it to deep space back on its orbit to not return for another 3600 years.  

As the planet or system approaches earth it’s trajectory is said to approach from the direction behind our sun hence it is difficult for the human eye to see it approaching for the years upon arrival, due to the fact that the brightness of the sun blocks our view. 

However, the closer it approaches earth the more sightly it becomes.  It is theorised that governments and organisations such as NASA are fully aware of its approach but can not disclose this information due to setting off large scale panic or for other reasons. 

Some of the other reasons involve the destruction just a large planet could cause passing earth, effecting weather, magnetic fields, causing earth quakes rising seas, asteroid strikes and the destruction of the planet. 

The are also mentions in the bible of showers of fiery hale and to take shelter indoors during this time as we past through its tail of debri.
Supposedly biblical prophesy such as the book of revelation warn of this event in a coded manner and groups such as the illuminati or elitist (NWO) hold hidden knowledge of this occurrence. 

It is also theorised that these groups that worship lucifer worship the return of this planet.  There are theories that the planet is home to an alien race called the anunnaki, who live within the planet it self as the surface of the planet is way to hostile to support life.  

I believe the anunnaki are thought to be a negative race of beings that treat humans as slaves, hence the links with the luciferian followers of them that rule the earth in their absence.  Apparently they treasure gold and precious metals and use other races to mine for them. 

Upon return of Nibiru the illuminati is said to increase their ritual practices as a kind of practice to their gods/rulers.  

All very sinister and dark!

Although I do not claim to know much about the Annunaki and cannot say much about them as I have never truly been very interested, yet much information can be found about them. I am unsure if they are actually negative or positive?  

Another race are called Draco which are not only negative but also a very aggressive and violent race. They are also known to shield their appearance by using a hypnotic grid system before you, which once you are accustomed to and learn will be able to break - (remember free will.) No negative race can interfere with you unwillingly, however if your consciousness is of a manipulative, aggressive, controlling nature then you will become susceptible to their influence. 

Again I am aware of them but choose to give them none of my energy or attention for although they exist, to me they don’t exist. I consciously choose to never focus on such evil, soulless darkness. 

The more consciously aware you become the less, if any effect, a negative energy being can have over you. 

I have never chosen to focus upon these things as I use my own inner guidance and can sense negative energy instantaneously, I am just providing information to visitors to this site to investigate for themselves. 

Although I do believe that some of the higher up elites and those in power have most likely formed alliances or deals, especially with the Draco.  Possibly in return for insights to technology and other practices that they can use for their own purposes of power and control.  

Their by selling their souls.  

The Draco are believed to exist throughout human history upon earth since our beginnings even down to the mythology of dragons. 
Some links are listed for those interested in further information. 
Egyptian Reptilian 
Egyptian Reptilian Hyroglif
It is fair to say that anyone who would practice such worship have been completely mislead by the ego of power and control, for to worship such beings as gods for the promise of power, fail to understand that such so called gods would care little for them only for their own use and anyone that follows such would always be slaves no matter how high up they believe they have risen. 

They would have achieved nothing but sold their souls from which there is no return.  All in the pursuit of riches and power. 

Some other Races

Although very little is known publicly of different civilisations there is some information available, although obviously theorised at this point in time. 

Below is listed some more races and theories about them but it is also theorised that there are many, many more.  

Although hard to believe for many who would laugh at such theories, those that are open to these concepts laugh right back in the face of those that believe humanity could possibly be the only civilisation in such a vast and unknown universe. 

Planet earth is known to be situated in the universe not much different to a grain of sand on a beach. 

Obviously there is also the theory that earth and the universe exist as a type of simulation.  

The best approach is to not accept any concept or theory but just be open to all theories, for those that say non of this could be possible and that humanity is the only civilisation then they too base this assumption on the unknown. 

For they can not possibly know! 

Just as some choose to not believe until they know, others choose to believe until they know. 

There are those of us that have seen things with our own eyes that can not be denied! 

Lyran Starseeds
Nommo Sirians 
The Arcturians 
The Pleiadians

What ever comes to pass will be, so there is no point in fearing maybe we will see it in our life times maybe not but one thing is for sure and that is humanity is awaking from its sleep. 

All we need to know within our hearts is that we are children of God and we have not sold out in this life.

Information based on theory also exists of many more that you can research:-

These include:

The Tall Whites
The Greys 
The Sassani
The Nordics 
The Yahyel 
The Blue Avians 
The Vril
The Archons 

And many many more! 

If our souls are good and we have followed the path of righteousness then in this life or after we have nothing to fear for our souls that are eternal and belong to God. 

We know major global events are occurring and one way or another this will involve a split in consciousness Love/Fear Good/Evil

With such great events occurring there stands to reason that the sky’s with reflect these changes on earth “as within so without” 

Another theory is that those that have been led astray and worshipped the flame shall be swept up and taken away as slaves to their masters? 

All I know for a sure from visions many years ago is that I saw Jupiter being significant in the coming events on planet Earth and that a slit in consciousness of some sort will occur.  

Once again and I can not stress this enough - there is no need to fear or listen the fearful telling of humanities destruction.  Leave that to those in Hollywood to portray but turn away from such sadistic views and turn to God/Love/Truth. 

If we will see it in this life or another who knows and as for a new Earth - do we have to leave this one physically?  Again who knows? All I do know is that we are shifting from fear to Love - from ignorance to Truth. 
 (See link below)

All we have to be sure of is that if we are good souls then we will be heading to Light - humanity is awakening from the illusion. 
