Calling all Truth Seekers into Service

Are you awake yet?  When did you first awaken?  Or are you just awakening? 

Many people in all societies, in all countries, in every institution or organisation, in every city, in every town, in every village are awakening as we approached these times.  

Called the end times and confused for the end of the world, the end times are in actuality the end of humanities long sleep!

For The Great Awakening is now upon us.  One by one humanity is stirring in its sleep for a new dawn has sprung.  

If you have followed Truth all your life or just recently awakened it is true to say that those around you that still sleep do not take lightly to being disturbed in their sleep.

Just like a family member banging around the house late at night while you sleep, living in the presence of a newly awakened friend or relative can be annoying.  As they make more noise and you become more annoyed or uncomfortable as you try to sleep.  

Eventually if you haven’t already you will awaken, and when you do you will awaken to a sleeping world about you still sat staring at a box in the corner of the room as though in an hypnotic state, the box blurting out its signals, signs and symbols keeping those that sleep, asleep.

As you open your eyes eventually you come to discover the lies, the deceit and the magick that has kept you sleeping the long sleep. The world that you once looked on as normal now becomes abnormal!  

The challenges you face stepping out in to a sleeping world awakened for the first time are huge, labelled a conspiracy theorist or some other name by the magick makers that hypnotise the sleeping ones, you will find much criticism directed at you.

Use this time to remain silent if you must, resisting the urge to speak out. Silently gather yourself, for you will be called upon when the time is ripe. 

Yes, Gods children are awakening and the knowledge of the Great Masters that set the way is rising back up into to the consciousness of the sleeping.

Consider that ever person you know in your life, friends, relatives, colleagues, people you see everyday, consider them to be assisting you in awakening or needing your assistance when they too awaken.  

God has placed you where you will need to be and placed about you those that will assist you too.  

As humanity awakens to Truth you will be called to assistance.  

Until eventually all of the children of God, in every religion, every culture, every race, every country shall be divided no more.  

The world and all of Gods children shall come together as ONE!  


The Ascension of Humanity from Darkness to Light 
April 2020
The ascension of humanity from darkness to Light. 

Earths journey through the ages of darkness/fear/control is almost complete and as it completes its journey through the darkness and approaches the Light humanity is finally awakening to the Glorious age of God/Love/Light.   

Many of Gods children have been awake now for a long time but there are those amongst them that still sleep.  Yet those that sleep shall be awakened by the coming Light as we fast approach the mass awakening of humanity.   

Those that have already awoken have been in service to their brothers and sisters as they slowly slumber from the deep sleep, it is the awakened ones that have led the way in doing the work in preparation for the Great Awakening as this was always God plan.   

For those that remain asleep the alarm bells are now ringing for it is now time to awaken.  It is those that had already fully open their eyes that awoke to the horrors before them horrors that the rest are to to awaken to.   

For as they have slept the long sleep those of the darkness/fear/control have been busy with their wicked and evil plans against the children of God/Love/Light.   

The master of darkness as tempted many of Gods children to follow its ways and as the innocent have slept those that have followed their dark master have become its slaves and betrayed their brothers and sisters that remain asleep.   

Eternal 1111 -  

(They have worked in the shadows believing the Light is the flame and so worshipped their master for their own gain.) Yet the price they have paid by being temped away is still unbeknown to them for in the darkness they will stay, and as they were tempted away from what was Right they will not experience the coming Awakening of Love and Light.     

As we approach what is to come the work they have been doing will come undone.      

When all that have slept are fully awake the master of darkness and it’s slaves shall suffer the quake, and as their structures of worship come crashing down they will fight to hold onto to their Crowns.  

As their magick and sorcery fades away they will experience the wrath of God in the Light of day, they will be shamed and shown and bought out into Gods Light and will be cast to the darkness to face their plight. Then the children of God shall Ascend to the Light. 

The Great Awakening
March 2020 

Stepping out of the darkness into the Light 

The Great Awakening is now upon us, fear is spreading all over the planet like a “virus”. 

The signs are all around us of Great events taking place on this home we call Earth - Heart of the Universe. 

Yes the Earths - Heart as stopped beating and a silence has fallen upon the planet. 

During this silence the ones that are making the most noise are those spreading the fear and those reacting to the fear but do not heavy your heart. 

Yes you will hear of war (death) and rumours of war (death) but do not be alarmed such things must happen but the end is still to come. 

There are dark forces at play taking one last stand before their end is to come and so they work from the shadows doing what they do best and as the Light of Truth exposes them they shall retreat to the darkness out of sight but there will be no place left to hide.  

They are currently pulling all their resources together for the final battle, they are situated in every nation across the planet and during their final battle are exposing themselves to the Light of Truth.  

They believe they are in control and have called upon those they recruit and use to spread their news of fear and dread, their tricks and magick are their last stand for their illusions of enslavement will not longer stand.  

So fear not what is to come for the meek shall inherit the Earth, the end is not yours but theirs.

June 2016

The great Awakening is now upon us. 

There is much talk of fear, of dark forces taking control, of negative alien invasion, of the enslavement of humanity, of the illuminati and the NWO and the end of the world. 

Yes there are dark forces that have been  controlling and manipulating humanity but they have no place left to hide.  

For their "time" is over & they will no longer be hiding in the shadows of darkness but will be exposed by the Light. 

For darkness cannot exist in the presence of Light. 

Do not listen to fear based consciousness.

It is fear based ego consciousness that declares such things, and the fruits that it offers are indeed bitter to the taste.  

Awaken Humanity

"By their fruits you shall know them"

Matthew 7:15-20 

You Will Know Them by Their Fruits

15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

If the truth you are offered comes with such a bitter taste then do not consume of it.   

You are powerful beyond words and the power within many has not yet fully developed on a fully conscious level.   

There are some currently on the planet operating on this level and there are many more that have glimpsed it on and off over the past years in the build up to the Great Awakening.   

There are many, many souls incarnate that are sitting in a form of dormant state some aware and some not fully aware but they nevertheless are here in service awaiting the call.   

They are placed in multitude across the planet, in every city, in every town, in every village, in every organisation, in every business, in every company, in every place imaginable!    

They are many, they are neighbours, they are friends, they are family, they are relatives, they are work colleagues. 

There is no place they will not be.   

They will be assisting with the Awakening and with the ones that are struggling to embrace what is to come.   

When you meet them you will know them.  


They will be aware of Truths that you may not be comfortable with but they will know what messages to share with you.   

They will never leave you feeling fearful, they will never leave you feeling inferior, they will never leave you feeling judged, they will never leave you feeling hopeless, they will never leave you feeling controlled, they will never leave you feeling in need, they will never leave you feeling powerless.


So listen not to the fearful or the scaremongers or the judgemental or the powerful or anyone else who leaves you feeling less.   

A tsunami of Light is coming! 

Bless the World for a New Day is coming and a new dawn has strung and as the new arises the old will fall away. 

So welcome the end that as been your cage, for it's lies, it's greed, and it's struggle for power, has made you slave.   

Its hierarchies & wars will continue to rage. With the only end being the grave.    

But the end that we speak of is of the Light.  It does not war or does not fight.  

As it all starts to fall apart, don't succumb to fear or heavy your heart.       

For if you are light of fear and light of heart.  You shall embrace what is coming for a Brand New Start.   

In this begininng they'll be no end, as An Eternal Light will descend.  

The Earth will Ascend into the Light and those of Love will have New Sight.   

Those of the darkness will war and fight, for they have no Knowledge, Love or Light. 

They are quick to switch from side to side, for they are not loyal to what lies inside. 

All around you is now Light, for you to see what is Good & Right. 

You surely will find what you seek, the coming Awakening favours the Meek. 

Yet those that hurt or kill in Gods name shall never rise up from the flames!